Star Trek Online Roadmap

Since I’m taking a break from Star Trek Online right now and embracing Guild Wars 2, I wasn’t paying too much attention to their Livestream discussion about the game’s upcoming Roadmap. Fungi brought some of the highlights to my attention, so I want to relay that information here and add my thoughts to them.

Thundering in STO

It’s kinda funny that I’ve been playing STO on-and-off for four-and-a-half years now, yet I’ve only paid passing attention to ground content. Granted, STO’s ground combat system is clunky and overall not very well-done, and you don’t really have to be super effective to get through most ground content; on the other hand, it seems … More Thundering in STO

Foundry Sunset

The Foundry has always been treated like this mistreated red-headed stepchild by Cryptic, like they don’t know what to do with it. Feed it? Abuse it? Dress it up properly and give it an education? Disown it? I guess they finally decided to kill the poor, but beloved stepchild.