Feature Episode: Echoes of Light (and other stuff)

The new feature episode that came with the giant patches is “Echoes of Light”, which focuses on the Lukari’s (who we met in the episode “Sunrise”) first steps towards interstellar travel. We are essentially playing Vulcans during the Enterprise era, shepherding a new spacefaring species along the way.

Mother of Patches

This is not a mother joke! Last night Cryptic dropped the latest patch notes with an unprecedented number of fixes and new features outside of an episode. Looks almost like there is a new slavemaster cracking the whip at the Cryptic office, or Cryptic programmers finally saw their paycheck for the first time!

Fistful o’ Ships

Many  proud owners of the Galor, Jem’Hadar Dreadnought and Jem’Hadar Heavy Escort were left in tears, as yesterday’s patch came out with T6 versions of those three ships! (Or perhaps “left in rage” is more apt…)