Accelerate Your (ONE) Reputation (To T5 only)!

I swear, I’m not doing this on purpose.  But these days, it’s like every piece of news coming out of Star Trek Online is a farce. Depending on where you stand, it’s either bad comedy, or rage-inducing monetization practice. It’s almost as if Cryptic is deliberately trolling and trying to get a rise out of … More Accelerate Your (ONE) Reputation (To T5 only)!

The Inquiry Shitstorm

I almost didn’t write this post because it’s just too much negativity coming out of STO lately, but I thought I’d record this for prosterity. Cryptic announced the introduction of the Inquiry-class Battlecruiser last week (er, 10 days ago?), which immediately unleashed a wave of backlash from the playerbase. Again. So what else is new?