Long-Term Game Sustainability (aka Why I continue to play STO)

A couple of days ago was the three-month mark since I started playing Guild Wars 2 full time. I have been plugging away pretty diligently at GW2, essentially sidelining STO for the duration, and got all five of my characters to max level. They are nowhere close to being fully kitted out; in fact, I haven’t even … More Long-Term Game Sustainability (aka Why I continue to play STO)

Season 13 Announced

Cryptic just announced Season 13, Escalation, will be incoming. That’s an interesting picture though… where is this, exactly? Those neon signs look kinda like katakana, written by clueless gaijin with poor pensmanship! XD

Cat-Scorts Time

Something new for today: The kitties get new ships! S’right, the Caitians and the Ferasens get their first T6 ships in STO, and they look to be coming with a new play mechanic as well. Here is the official announcement.

Nothing Endures but Change

Ground combat changes came out a couple of weeks ago, but… not to marginalize you groundpounders out there… I’m sure the majority of players are more interested in the space combat changes. And today we get an announcement, plus some highlights.