Mudd’s Outta This Wormhole Bundle!

New Mudd’s bundle announced

Admiral Rod did a breakdown of this bundle which is pretty on-the-spot, so go read up for a detailed look. I will only add a couple of comments here about why you may want those ships.

  • The Jem’Hadar Strike Ship in and of itself isn’t especially WOW-worthy (except for the iconic look for Space Barbies), but it unlocks the Bug ship pet, which is definitely highly desirable if you are flying a Dominion carrier. 
  • Of the three ships offered, the Maquis Raider is the least expensive on the Exchange, because it’s a Lobi and not a Promo/Lockbox ship. It’s actually a pretty good platform with 5/1 weapons and fairly flexible seating, and I think the highest hull of any raiders, but no cloak of any kind  Other than for space barbie purposes, I would say its main selling point is its Plasma Storm console, which is a fun toy for an Exotic builds. I bought this ship for Heidy for the console, but would I need it for my other toons? Nah, not really.
  • I admit I didn’t know that the Quark Marauder is a thing. I think it came out during a time when I wasn’t paying attention to STO, so whatcanyado? Anywho, it cuts the same iconic Marauder silhouette, with stats upgraded to a MW ship, so it’s a decent platform. Like all Ferengi ships, it also has all the freighter amenities onboard, which is convenient. Again, this is probably worthwhile mainly for space barbie purposes, especially if you are playing a Ferengi toon. 

The perceived values of these ships are extremely high, due to the fact that they were previously super expensive on the Exchange and single-character to boot. However objectively, a ship is a ship is a ship, are they really worth close to 5000 Zen per ship? At the end of the day, that’s for you to decide, but keep the notion of perceived value in mind before you splurge on these Mudd’s bundles…. there’s a WORM in the Wormhole bundle!

3 thoughts on “Mudd’s Outta This Wormhole Bundle!

    1. Between the two, I prefer the tequila worm (which is actually a caterpillar). Someone had double-dog-dared me to eat it, and I was curious as to what it tasted like, so I ate it. It doesn’t taste like anything except the tequila it’s been thoroughly saturated in. I’ll pass on the icky worm except to use as fishing bait.


  1. I have a couple of Ferengi ships, the old T5 D’Kora and the T6 Nandi. They come in handy for instant bank, mail, and exchange access. And they’ve got Dabo tables in the back, so you can knock out Dabo endeavors in the privacy of your own ship. Honestly I wish all ships had all of the above.


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